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LinkeDrive Driver Spotlight with TJ Powers

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

For LinkeDrive’s fourth article in the driver spotlight series, we’re thrilled to introduce you to TJ Powers! TJ is an individual that not only highlights the growth in our owner operator business, but his gains also showcase the positive impact that LinkeDrive products and services can have on an individual!

Our passion from day one has been on improving the lives of truck drivers, providing drivers and organizations with innovative and leading-edge products and services to ensure a level playing field, helping to enable fair pay-for-performance plans to truly match pay to effort. As the owner operator side of our business grows, we continue to meet more and more individuals with similar passions and a love for this industry. When we sat down with TJ, we asked him the question, why trucking? His response even surprised us! “It’s just in my blood, and as long as I can remember, there have been trucks in my family, but I think I fell in love with trucking at about the age of 4. I still remember building my first model truck at the age of 6, and spent countless hours watching trucks through a chain link fence at the Joiner Mayflower yard, on my way to and from school. After I don’t know how long, one of the drivers told me to jump in the cab, and we took a ride across the scales… that’s when I was officially hooked. I got my fair share of driving local stuff before turning 18, but as soon as I hit 18, I was out there on the road, and loving it!”

At LinkeDrive, I think it’s fair to say that TJ has matched our passion for this industry! So when we see someone with such passion that loves our products and services, and is reaping such benefits, it makes our jobs just that much more gratifying. Since TJ started using LinkeDrive’s PedalCoach, he’s recognized a 1.3 MPG lift over 140,000 miles, putting over $11,000 dollars back in his pocket in fuel savings alone. TJ went on to share with us that he’s not only recognized the savings in fuel, but he’s also recognized thousands in reduced maintenance costs, influenced by his changes in driving. “I’m no longer stressed behind the wheel, where I’ve learned to be a more efficient, a more profitable, and smarter driver. It’s changed so much in how I drive. I am now always looking further down the road, managing my momentum and speed, planning for accelerations and braking events. It’s also helped develop my foot-muscle memory on that sweet spot, allowing me to get up to speed quickly, but easing into the throttle, rather than just simply mashing the pedal.”

TJ shares that it’s not just the in-cab PedalCoach application, but it’s also our automated nightly reports he receives texted to his personal phone, and the DATA (Driver and Truck Analytics) portal, that is allowing him to make better business decisions as an owner-operator. “Within just a few seconds, I can share with my dispatchers why I want, or don’t want to take a load. LinkeDrive has made it so simple to share, where I can now easily see which lanes are more profitable for me, as well as better understand my ton-MPGs, helping me understand which weights are most profitable. I like money in the bank, not in the tank… they’ve just made it so easy, I love it!”

Lastly, we were turned onto Facebook’s 9+ MPG group a few years back by a number of our high-performing drivers and friends. This group is a collection of drivers and individuals looking to push the boundaries of fuel efficiency, where insights, tips and best practices are shared and commented on amongst the group. At LinkeDrive, we’ll sometimes get tagged by drivers to chime in or possibly answer questions on our products or services… this is how we were initially introduced to TJ. We noticed in one of TJ’s recent posts, where he shared waking up in a bad mood, but after noticing our automated MyDrive report that gets texted to him nightly, he states that “it cheered me up.” When we asked TJ about this post, he simply said “you’ve made my life better!” We’re thrilled to be working with TJ, love the passion he shows day in – day out for this industry, and look forward to the possibility of working with you or your organization! Thank you TJ for all your hard work out there on the road everyday! At LinkeDrive, we focus on providing leading-edge solutions for the transportation industry, that not only empower drivers and organizations, but promote and develop operational efficiencies to ensure best in class performance across your entire fleet and operational team. Through machine learning and predictive analytics, combined with intelligent automations, we are able to engage with all drivers in a fleet, and do so in a positive way – daily, weekly, monthly. Let us show you how we are changing the landscape of the transportation industry, and how we can help you solve your Driver Performance Management (DPM) challenges!


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